Sunday, July 28, 2013

Breakfast with Mickey: Breakfast fruit Wrap, The quick Mom version

Good morning to my loved ones who will be reading this later on. I miss you all dearly. I am writing to update you all on my latest and greatest discoveries.  

I would first like to give a big metaphorical high five to my 11 month old son Kaleb for his new achievements. There are several new skills my genius baby has mastered; sleeping through the night (finally), pointing to his mouth when hungry instead of screaming frantically, and pointing to my dog Noodles when the morning cartoon, Mickey Mouse Club House, announces the tool providing character "Tootles". Now yes they are way different but that's pretty firkin impressive if you ask me.

Now on to my main attraction, the breakfast fruit wrap.

Just as a disclaimer this is not something my simple mother mind conjured up in a blissful early morning daze.   No, this is something I saw on the popular website Pintrest.   Please do not give me the credit for inventing such a succulent treat.  I found this one night while worrying about my family's health and food intake.   My boyfriend has turned me on to the wonderful world of food variety and Pintrest has fueled my curiosity by providing countless recipes and healthy low calorie alternatives to the everyday meals.   

The original post can be seen here at this link, just copy and paste.

Now I am a busy mom, my son is demanding and quick to move so I need to be as well.   As my fellow mommas know I don’t always have time to melt chocolate chips and neatly cut cute and perfect triangles of food.  Naturally I mom-a-fied this technique to a simple, healthy and still delicious wrap.  So without further delay I give you:

                                                 The On the go Fruit Wrap the mommy version

Materials needed:

1 whole wheat tortilla (I got mine at Albertsons, I use the burrito size but it’s all up to you)

½ bananas (more if desired)

1-2 table spoons of peanut butter (I use creamy but again it your choice)

2 strawberries (less or more if desired)


Put tortilla flat on something like a plate or paper towel.  Cut the banana and strawberry in thin slices before sticking your butter knife in the peanut better.  After all fruit is cut flat spread peanut butter on to the middle of the tortilla. Have fun with this, you only live once, right? Feel free to be creative and if no one is looking (Mickey Mouse included) feel free to lick the peanut butter off the knife (safely) once you are done spreading.  Now apply the fruit in any fashion that is compatible to your life.  Don’t hesitate to let your inner creativity flow through your fingers as you place strawberries next to the bananas (Wow! look at you living on the edge, I won’t tell the fellow bananas that you snuck that strawberry in that row).  Now fold one side of the circle (good luck figuring that one out) to hold everything inside, and roll the tortilla gently.  The peanut butter should stick as you roll and it should stay quite well.

Lastly, make sure you have some sort of drink; coffee, water, milk, juice, ice tea, or for my wild family members wine/ beer (you know who you are).  That should be all the help you need, if you can’t find the instinct needed to eat the fruit wrap you probably need more than I can provide, sorry. 

The calories in this wrap vary depending on the amount of ingredients you use and what variety.  I will give you an approximate estimation as to the amount in the picture.

Banana: 60 cal.

Strawberry: 8 cal. (4 if you use 1)

Tortilla: 110 cal. (whole wheat)

Peanut butter: 180 cal.  (Double if you used two)


Alright that’s all I got to say about breakfast this morning. Thank you for tuning in to my morning rant. Again this is not for money or anything crazy like that, this is for my family and friends all over so they know I am safe, healthy and happy. Anyone else is welcome here but not if you want to be mean.  There is no place for mean people here, I think they hang out on twitter, but I’m not positive on that one, that’s just what I’ve heard.

Love y’all



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